Thursday, December 13, 2012

Jingle Juice, Jingle Juice, Juicing All the Way

I have wanted to try juicing for quite awhile now.  Several of my friends have been doing it and having nothing but good stuff to say.   I of course wanted to take it to the next level and get a Vitamix.  A Vitamix is a crazy, insane blender that turns fruits and veggies in their raw form into lovely smoothies.  Its miraculous and amazing, it's $700.  Its kind of like the Magic Eraser, you think to yourself, "How does this work?  It really is magic!!"   After some serious soul searching I decided I couldn't invest in the miracle machine and opted instead for a kitchen Ninja, another high powered blender, with a much more reasonable price tag.  My Ninja is great for making soups and general blending, however, my atttempts at green juice were what I called "chunkies", not smoothies.  I continued with this for about a week, literally chewing my juice.  It was not enjoyable, but I was trying to prove to my fiancee that the Ninja was a good investment.  And it was, just not for juice.  We ended up getting a juicer about two and a half weeks ago, Tommy's dad had one laying around his house so we snagged it up. SCORE!!!  Its a little old, and a little loud, but boy does this machine make a mean glass of juice.  Which is the point, of course.

I have juiced once a day for the past 17 days.  I usually juice in the morning after I practice, as a substitute for breakfast.  If I decide I want eggs and bacon in the morning I will juice in the mid-afternoon.  I usually experience a slight decrease in energy level between 2 and 4pm.  It used to be pretty extreme and has mellowed out considerably since dropping the cup of coffee a day habit. However, due to my general lack of sleep, (co-sleeping, nursing baby in bed), a decrease in my energy is still noticeable.   If I juice in the morning, my energy level is stellar all day.  If I juice in the mid-afternoon, I get a kick-butt energy boost.  Juicing in general improves my energy level.

I have noticed considerable improvements in my body.  The most astounding to me is the improvement in my night vision.  Since giving birth to two babies, I have no depth perception at night, the lights of other cars and the streetlights get kind of halo-ey.  As a rule I try not to drive at night unless I absolutely have to.  My green juice always contains one large carrot, and in just two weeks, my night vision has improved radically.  Also, my teeth are getting whiter.  My skin and hair feel great.  And, the most noticeable improvement is the quality of my waking energy.

I am not a scientist or health expert by any means, so I will say, juicing is just great for you.  When you juice you are eating vegetables and fruits in their most pure form.  Which means you are getting as many health benefits, vitamins, and minerals as possible.  The dark greens I put in my juice are jam packed with vitamins and nutrients.  I also add other veggies that fight free radicals (cancer causing agents) in the body.  There is a lot of information out there.  If you are want to learn more,  google that shiznit. The facebook page Juicing Vegetables always has great recipes.

My daily juice contains:
1 large handful of spinach
1 large handful of kale
2 stalks celery
1/2 cucumber
1/4 Cup red cabbage
1 large carrot
1/2 inch of ginger
*****I use an old baby bottle brush to clean my juicer, the little nipple brush works perfectly on the mesh shield to get the leftover veggie gunk out*******

I sometimes add beets, apples, pears,  herbs, lemon, or whatever else I have in my fridge.  The above recipe is my starter that I build from.  I tend to steer more towards just veggies, I love the earthy "green" taste.  When I make juice for my fiance I always add more fruit, he can't handle just veggies.  So, it's really up to the individual.  The important thing is to get started. 

The whole process of juicing is very mindful for me.  I like to get all of my veggies out, wash them, and set them up on my counter next to my juicer.  The veggies look so fresh, alive and colorful.  Then the juicing begins.  One veggie at a time, feeding it into the juicer and watching the vibrant juice of each veggie pour out into my cup.  I just love it.  If the color green had a taste, it would taste fresh and alive, and that's what my juices taste like.  The process and the end result, are both supported by an essence of health and vitality.  I am so glad that I started this new juicing regimen.  Juicing feels healthy, because it is.  If you have ever thought about trying juicing, stop thinking about it and start doing it.  Drink your veggies.  Cheers to health!!

Friday, December 7, 2012

Perspective, Gratitude, Love

Today a woman I know shared a very humbling and moving story.   She shared with me that her best friend of 28 years, husband had recently committed suicide.  He had a gambling problem and wiped out the kids' college accounts and all savings they had.  This woman said she hadn't been to yoga all last week because she was afraid that she would start crying at some point in class.  To witness the sadness and distress as she told me about the experience of being present when her friend told her two chldren that there father was gone, was beyond touching.  I could feel her pain, and shared her sadness with her.  Sadness, for this now single mother, for the fatherless children, for the loss, for the heaviness of it all.  The heartache that she was feeling for her friend was palpable, and it touched me very deeply.  I had no words of comfort to offer, I mean, what do you say?  I chose instead to hug her very tightly and for probably an inappropriate amount of time.  We parted ways, but her story stays with me.

Her story is just one of many.  So many people I know right now are going through some very difficult times.  My sweet, loving mother is getting royally screwed by the company she has worked at for two years, a dear friend of mine is experiencing some financial woes due to a job change, my neighbor is struggling with the care of her mentally ill sister and is morally torn between her sense of responsibility and wanting to let it go.   These are women that have busted their butts their ENTIRE lives and just can't seem to catch a break.  It's heavy.

I am personally still working through some of my own shit, experiencing, processing, learning, letting go, REPEAT.

I am not trying to get super dark by any means.  I love this time of year. It's actually my favorite, I am the geek who starts decorating before Thanksgiving.  I love the soft lighting from my tree, the piney smell when I wake up, the carols, the joy, the wonder, the generosity and the kindness.  I say hello and smile at alot of strangers all of the time.  During the holidays about 400% more people will respond with a smile or hello of their own.  They may even add on a "Happy Holidays."  It is truly magical.  Its a kindness shift.  Families come together and memories are made.  However, a little perspective and a whole lot of gratitude can take an experience from amazing to unforgettable.

I invite you this holiday season to take a step back, and notice.  Notice when you're feeling overwhelmed because you have so much to do to prepare for the big day.  Notice when you start bickering with a loved one.  Notice your frustration when trying to find a parking spot at the mall.  Be aware.  All of these incidents are really teeny, tiny little miracles.  What a blessed life to live to HAVE to prepare, to have the turkey to cook, the stockings to stuff, the "stuff" to stuff them with, and most importantly the family to share it all with.   If the worst part of your day is trying to find a parking spot, I think you're having a pretty awesome day.  I say go ahead and bicker!!  Go ahead argue!!  It's healthy!  But don't be hurtful, don't raise your voice.   When it's done, it's done.  Apologize and hug it out.  A long hug.  Hold each other, and let your embrace remind you of the super special love that you share.  Personally, I enjoy some serious smooching as well, but I will leave that up to you ;)

For every person experiencing joy and comfort, I am sure that someone else, somewhere else, is feeling lost, hurt, or confused.  If you fall in the latter, know that you are not alone.  We all go through our own heavy times, to varying degrees.  The individual experiences are different,  but the emotion is still the same. Financial hardship, being treated unfairly at work, feeling inadequate as a parent, losing a loved one, these are all very heavy in their own right.   Sometimes things just don't make sense.  Other times, these obstacles are put in our paths to guide us a new way, or to shift our perspectives.  And other times, it's a not so simple letting go. Like all things,  "This too shall pass."

We all share a common experience, a thread of connection that binds us to each other.  This connection, this light, this love, is stronger than we could possibly imagine.  Its in these connections to each other that we can begin to reconnect, to heal, and to know the light of our own hearts.

So please, hug your loved ones.  I read recently that a six second hug actually shifts your brainwaves and creates happiness hormones.  I say hug for ten seconds, or twenty.  Kiss ALOT.  Kiss your kids, your pets, your friends, your mom and dad, kiss your husband, boyfriend, girlfriend or wife.  Revel in the small miracles of the day to day.  Make the phone calls to friends and family that you've been putting off.  Don't let an opportunity for joy be missed because of a to do list or a need to hurry to get things done.   Look for any opportunity to create a connection, whether its a smile, a helping hand, or maybe to be a shoulder to cry on.  Practice gratitude, every day, with every breath.  Every day, every moment, every breath, every shared experience can be a blessing, if you choose to let it be.

Happy Holidays
with love, k

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Paleo Beef Broccoli with Cauliflower "Rice"

Paleo Beef Broccoli with Cauliflower "Rice"

1 1/2 lbs stir fry beef
2 c. broccoli
1 c. mushrooms, sliced
1/2 head cauliflower
2 tbsp.  scallions, chopped (for garnish)
Marinade (Recipe below)

1 in. ginger
1 lime (juice and zest)
1/2 c. orange juice
1/2 c. Braggs Liquid Amino Acids
2 tbsp. scallions ( green onions) finely chopped
1/4 c. honey

Combine all ingredients for marinade in a bowl and whisk together.  Taste.  If you prefer a little sweeter add more honey or orange juice, a little saltier, add more Braggs.  Combine meat and marinade, cover and store in your fridge for a minimum of 24 hours. 

Chop and core cauliflower.  Bring a pot of water to boil.  Add cauliflower.  Boil for about 15 minutes, or until cauliflower is tender.  Drain, then use a potato masher to mash up.  Creating our faux rice.

While cauliflower is cooking,
Chop broccoli florets from stems.  Bring a pot of water to boil add broccoli.  Boil for three minutes.  Drain set aside. 

Heat a large pan or wok to med-high heat.  Add marinated stir fry steak, cooking to sear meat.  When the steak has a nice sear add about a half cup of your marinade to your pan.  Add mushrooms.  Add broccolli.  Cover and saute for five minutes. 

While stir fry is cooking, chop 2 sprigs of green onions.

To serve:
Use a cup or bowl to portion cauliflower rice, it just looks prettier.  If looks aren't that important to you, use a spoon:)  Portion cauliflower onto plate.  Spoon a heaping portion of stir fry mix on top of "rice", dress with green onions, and enjoy.

This meal is super tasty and super healthy!!  Enjoy!!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Practice With Intention

Winter Solstice Mala Saturday, December 22nd 1-3pm Urban Yoga
The holidays are jam packed with outings, events, and ever increasing to do lists. It is easy to get caught up in the holiday hubbub. Our bodies and minds become overwhelmed with details and we often find ourselves expending more energy than we have to give. The winter solstice is a time of inner reflection. It is a time for renewal and rest. Yoga provides the perfect balance to the holiday mayhem. This workshop will allow you to cleanse and detoxify the physical, mental, and emotional stresses that accumulate from over-doing. It will also promote time and space to breathe, release, and most importantly, just be.
In this workshop we will practice a modified mala, repetitive rounds of sun salutations. Each round of mala will be themed with setting a personal intention to manifest in your life. The heat, or tapas we will build during the mala is the perfect tool to burn away and shed old ways of thinking, acting and believing that no longer support our most authentic selves.

Between malas, we will move into longer held poses and practice breathing techniques that promote a sense of steadiness and ease. With the aid of pranayama, yin and restorative yoga we will give ourselves the opportunity to turn inwards and reflect. The space we create will help to establish a stronger connection to our innermost knowing, enabling the practitioners to rest fully in the light of their own authenticity.

This workshop will help you connect to your inner light, stoking the internal fire of change while promoting an essence of support. Give yourself the gift of practice with intention. Join Kim in this very special mala practice and celebrate the bright light that shines within.